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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

suwe ra posting, pisan2 guang tuliasan neng kene lah

Cerita-Cerita Serem

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Alo semuwaaah…………………………………………………..

Makasih banget dah maw dateng ke gubug saya… eh blog dink…. Ini. Makasiiiiiih banget.

Gwe lage da mood neeh maw posting yang soal serem-sereman getooo, ato tepatnya yang berbau supranatural. Bagi temen-temen yang maw ceritanya diposting bisa aja kirim pengalaman supranaturalnya ato pengalaman misterinya ato maw knalan jga boleh lah nambah-nambah temen, kirim ke alamat email gwa ntar we trima dengan senang ati deech. Dah basa basinya ntar lagi ja deeh, ni skarang nikmatin ja kisah-kisah yang dah we kumpulin dari temen-temen we yang laen, ini dya….

1. Liat Bayangan Putih di Semak

Ni pernah we alamin waktu we macih kecil, yah kira-kira waktu we kelas 2 SD (we skarang dah kelas 2 SMA) begini ceritanya : waktu ntuh, we kan masih anak-anak jadi suka banget klo diajak pergi te tempat tetangga yang lagi punya hajat kawinan gitu. We ma anak anak yang laen kan udah biasa kalo ada orang punya hajat gitu malem-malem maen-maen ampe larut ntah ntu maen apaan (yang pasti nggak saru). Nah waktu tmen we pada ngumpul di tempat membuat dekorasi penganten, we juga ikut kesana, nah saat we dah agak lama disana tiba-tiba di semak ada bayangan putih yang nggerak-nggerakin semak ampe bunyi kresek kresek kresek. We liat tu bayangan putih untung aja cuman lewat.

2. Dipanggil Suara Tanpa Ada Wujudnya

Yang neh adalah pengalaman temen we, yah kira kira beberapa tahun yang lalu. Gini, temen gwe kan pulang dari ngaji, truz malah mapir dulu ke tempat temen dan ketiduran di sana. Nah waktu bangun kan udah pukul 1 pagi, dya tetep mutusin untuk pulang. Nyampe di jalan, dia kan lewat suatu tempat yang siangya tadi bari dipake buat bunuh diri, nah merinding dia. Dah gitu waktu lewat kaya ada yang manggil-manggil namanya padahal ia liat sekeliling yakin ga ada orang. Nah saat dia yakin kalo ga ada orang yang manggil tapi suara itu jelas sekali manggil dia, buruan deh dia lari ngebutttttt ampe rumah. Waktu dia dah nyampe rumah seisi rumah nanya kenapa dia ngos-ngosan, langsung aja dia jawab “dipanggil hantuuu!”

dah gitu dulu aja zahh, ntar kalo temen ada yang mau ceritanya dipost, cepetan kirim emailnyaa!!!!
Ampe jmpa di post berikutnyaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

This Blog
AdSense Help Center
AdSense Forum
Google Blogs
This Blog

AdSense Help Center

AdSense Forum

Google Blogs



Introducing the Ad Review Center

In an effort to provide you with more transparency and control over the ads appearing on your pages, we've developed the Ad Review Center. This new feature, which we'll be rolling out to publishers over the next few months, will allow you to review ads placement-targeted to your site and ensure those ads are relevant to your site's users.

When you first opt into the Ad Review Center, you'll be able to see all placement-targeted ads currently targeted to your site, and a couple of days later you'll be able to review placement-targeted ads that have previously run on your site. If you think an ad is not relevant for your users, you can prevent it from appearing again by blocking it in the Ad Review Center. We recommend you carefully consider the revenue impact of blocking an ad, since blocked ads won't compete in the auction on your site, and advertisers whose ads you block may choose not to target your site again in the future.

In addition to letting publishers weigh in on the relevance of placement-targeted ads, the Ad Review Center will also help advertisers improve their placement-targeted ad campaigns. When you block an ad, you'll be prompted to select a reason. We'll share this constructive feedback with advertisers so they can use it to improve the quality and relevance of future ad campaigns.

As we've done with past features, we're gradually launching the Ad Review Center to all publishers over the next few months. When it has been enabled for your account, you'll see a green notification box at the top of your 'Competitive Ad Filter' page, located under the 'AdSense Setup' tab. By default, the Ad Review Center will let you review all placement-targeted ads after they have run on your site. However, if you have a strong need to manually review ads before they appear on your site, you may do so by clicking on the 'update settings' link in the Ad Review Center. You'll then have 24 hours to review ads before they are automatically allowed to run on your site. Please note that you can also return to the Ad Review Center and allow a previously blocked ad, or block a previously allowed ad.

We strongly recommend you keep your review preference set to 'auto-allow' and review ads after they have run. Ads don't participate in the auction while they are awaiting review, and ads that you have blocked cannot compete in the auction either. The actual revenue impact will vary in each publisher's situation, but when using the Ad Review Center, please consider the revenue effects of blocking ads or switching from the auto-allow setting.

To learn more about the Ad Review Center, please visit the Help Center. We hope you find this new feature useful and look forward to hearing your feedback.

Thursday, December 13, 2007 at 2:36:00 PM

Farewell Onsite Advertiser Sign-up

We have high standards for the services we offer, which means we constantly reevaluate existing features to ensure they are effective as the AdSense product continues to expand.

Our recent findings indicate that the Onsite Advertiser Sign-up feature, which allowed advertisers to sign up for AdWords campaigns on your site, hasn't been performing as well as we had hoped. We've elected to gracefully retire this feature and focus our efforts on developing and supporting features that drive better monetization results for you. Call it time management, call it ROI, call it our unwavering commitment to our publishers. We want you to earn more revenue, and sometimes that means "sunsetting" certain features we created.

Please be aware that any links you've created that lead to a customizable Onsite Advertiser Sign-up page will soon re-direct to the main AdWords sign-up page. Of course, AdWords advertisers will still be able to target your individual sites by using placement targeting. Thanks for your support of this feature in the past. We hope its departure won't cause you any inconvenience.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 10:47:00 AM

New Manage Ads improvements, compliments of you

We've been listening to your comments on our new ad management feature, and so we're excited to tell you about a few updates that stem directly from your requests:
  • You can now view the ID number associated with a specific custom channel by visiting the 'Channels' link under the 'AdSense Setup' tab. Many of you told us that you needed these channel ID numbers for ad management programs you're using. We've added this information to your account since it no longer appears in your ad code.

  • Any ad units generated within the last 7 days that haven't yet received any impressions will now be listed as 'New', rather than 'Active', in your status column. This should help avoid confusion about your newest ad units and those already appearing on your pages.

  • You can now view the most recent date when each of your ad units was updated. Please note that these dates aren't retroactive, so any ad units you generated or edited before this display change will show a last-edited date of November 1st, 2007.

  • We're starting to slowly roll out the manage ads feature for your referral units. Just as with AdSense for content units, you'll soon be prompted to enter names for your newly generated referral units. If you'd like to make changes to your referral units at a later time, you can visit the 'Manage Ads' page. In the 'Content' column of this page, your referral units will display 'Referrals:' followed by the products or category of products being referred.

It doesn't end here, though -- we've got a few more enhancements planned for the Manage Ads feature in the next few weeks, so keep checking back for more updates. In the meantime, please continue sending your suggestions our way.

Monday, December 10, 2007 at 9:54:00 AM

Phone verification fixed

Our engineers have now resolved the phone verification issue we reported on Tuesday. If your account is still on a phone verification hold, please feel free to retry the verification process. For instructions on removing any holds on your account, visit your Payment History page and look for a 'Required Actions' box at the top of the page.

As always, we appreciate your patience.

Friday, December 07, 2007 at 4:34:00 PM

Meet mobile publisher Mikle

In September, we introduced AdSense for mobile content to provide a simple solution for increasing revenue from your mobile sites. We recently interviewed Jaehong Lee from Japanese mobile site Mikle to find out more about his experience with using AdSense for mobile content.

Currently, Mikle's bulletin boards attract over a million unique visitors each month. With user-generated content ranging from entertainment to nutrition, Jaehong had been looking for a manageable way to monetize Mikle's mobile pages. He found his answer when he began using AdSense for mobile content this year.

Jaehong highlights the performance and convenience of AdSense for mobile content, stating that "the performance of AdSense has been way better than our expectations. Moreover, the features for managing ad performance are easier and more convenient than other ads services. It saves a lot of effort for us in managing and monitoring ads."

With features such as editorial review and the Competitive Ad Filter, AdSense for mobile content has saved Mikle substantial time. Jaehong explains, "We hire people to check all messages and comments posted on our site. The cost of this work was significant... AdSense for mobile content’s great performance lets us be free of a lot of work from managing ad performance. We now have firm profitability and can concentrate our resources on the efforts of service development and operation improvements."

To learn more, please visit our new AdSense for mobile content page.

UPDATED to fix typo

Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 1:43:00 PM